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Texas Educators Can Receive Continuing Education Credit with CAF

**Dallas, July 16, 2020- **The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) is an official Continuing Professional Education (CPE) provider for educators in the state of Texas. The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) is able to offer a wide variety of subjects and opportunities for educators to gain important knowledge in history, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), social sciences, and more. Now educators will be able to receive CPE hours credit for attending these activities.

The initiative is led by CAF’s Vice President of Education Nancy McGee, who worked 34 years in the public-school system as a teacher, coach, administrator, and most recently as the PreK-12 Director of STEM for a Dallas area school district. McGee has introduced numerous programs since she began working for the Commemorative Air Force, including a High-School aviation internship involving an aircraft restoration project. She created the Aviation Discovery Zone, an annual Education Day at Dallas Executive Airport, and most recently CAF Education Webinars, being presented each week through the CAF’s YouTube Channel.

“We have always welcomed educators and school administrators to attend our programs. We have such an outstanding opportunity to present information in an engaging, hands-on way. During COVID social distancing, we are using our webinar series to open the door to educators and learners to showcase some of the great stories the CAF has to offer,” says McGee. For the past six weeks the CAF Education webinars have covered a different subject each week, with topics such as how to conduct historic research, Missing in Action (MIA) recovery successes, and even profiles on some of the organization’s authentic World War II aircraft and the tales they tell.

“Each week, we all get to explore something new. And no matter what the subject, it is always fascinating. For each webinar we engage passionate experts for the topic of the webinar. That always comes through to the audience and you can’t help but to be moved by the stories, “said McGee

You can register for webinars and see the full schedule on the Commemorative Air Force’s Education websitehttps://commemorativeairforce.org/pages/CAF-Education.

For additional information about the Texas Education Agency’s requirements please visit Continuing Professional Education Information and Standard Certification webpages. Visit those sites for more detailed information.

Image- Shutterstock/Rido

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