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Ike’s Bird Sponsor Group Announces Barnstorming Events for 2023

Dallas, TX (February 24, 2023) – In 2022, Ike’s Bird Sponsor Group leaders created a series of Barnstormer events, where Ike’s Bird and other historic aircraft visited airports in North Texas for a day of aircraft rides and cockpit tours.

The featured aircraft at these events is an L-26B called Ike’s Bird, named because the airplane was President Eisenhower’s aircraft, which also gives it the distinction of being the smallest air force one. Ike’s Bird Sponsor group partnered with other CAF Units to participate in these Barnstormer Saturdays, including the T-34 Sponsor Group, Coyote Squadron, and Bucket of Bolts Sponsor Group.

“In 2022, Ike’s Bird flew 40 ride flights, letting passengers experience a historic flight in the smallest Air Force One. In 2023, we will continue to help coordinate and organize the Barnstormer Saturday events. These events, all within 100 miles of the DFW area, have proven successful,” said Ike’s Bird Leader Gerald Oliver.

Ike’s Bird returned to Washington, D.C., in September 2022 to attend an aviation event at Joint Base Andrews. The crowd, especially the kids, were thrilled to be greeted by a life-size cutout of President Eisenhower welcoming them to the 1955 Air Force One. The airplane was warmly welcomed by the current crew of Air Force One as a proud part of their legacy.

Ike’s Bird will continue with Barnstormer Saturdays in 2023 starting in May. For the most up-to-date schedule, visit www.ikesbird.org.

Note: Gerald Oliver will present a seminar on organizing Barnstormer Saturday events in your community at the 2023 CAF Conference. For more information on the Conference, go to https://commemorativeairforce.org/pages/cafconference2023 to contact Ike’s Bird Sponsor Group go to https://www.ikesbird.org/contact.

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