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B-25 Maid In The Shade has CAF Hospitality at Rocky Mountain Wing in Colorado

Grand Junction, Colorado, July 14, 2021- During the recent visit by the CAF Airbase Arizona’s B-25 Maid in the Shade, to the Rocky Mountain Wing Airport, one of the engines failed. The Rocky Mountain Wing provided all the assistance they could muster to help their fellow CAF flight and ground crews while they addressed the issue.

In the Rocky Mountain Wing’s decades-long history, they have had their fair share of maintenance and restoration matters to resolve, so the wing members were happy to step in with support.

The first diagnosis indicated that the B-25’s R2600 engine probably suffered some of the same issues that recently plagued the Rocky Mountain Wing’s TBM Avenger. One may be surprised to know the B-25 and TBM avenger share the same engine-type. Unfortunately, that issue required a complete engine tear down to repair.

However, the CAF Airbase Arizona, keeping the aircraft flying is vital for their operations and they had a spare engine at their facility in Mesa, Arizona. They transported the engine to Grand Junction and were able to swiftly replace the engine.

During the down time, Maid in the Shade’s air and ground crew were hosted at the Rocky Mountain Wing’s Cub hangar, Maintenance shop, and Museum. Rocky Mountain Wing members were happy to do it. In fact, they were repaying the favor, as a few short years ago, it was the Rocky Mountain Wing’s TBM that relied on the hospitality of Airbase Arizona members when they hosted their warbird during the TBM’s engine rebuild. In both cases all crews were ready, willing, and able to help their CAF family.

When the B-25 Maid In The Shade’s replacement engine arrived, it was swiftly swapped out for the ailing engine and test flown on July 10. All checked out well and Maid in the Shade was able to rejoin the Flying Legends of History Tour as scheduled.

CAF Airbase Arizona Leader Travis Major sent the Rocky Mountain Wing a letter of Appreciation. That’s what family is for!

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