2025 CAF Conference
February 27 - March 1, 2025, Please join us for the annual CAF Conference at the CAF National Airbase in Dallas, TX. The conference is aimed at CAF members with any level of experience, whether you have recently joined or are a long-time Unit leader; there's no better way to get to know the CAF! To attend this conference, you must be a CAF Colonel or Cadet.
The registration fee includes all sessions, all conference lunches, a ticket to the CAF Hall of Fame Banquet, and transportation to and from CAF National Airbase and the Hilton Garden Inn, Duncanville, TX.
If you are unable to attend the conference sessions but would like to attend the CAF Hall of Fame dinner or if you have a guest who will be attending the meals only, tickets for those individual events are also available on the registration form below. For additional questions, call (877) 767-7175, ext. 142, or email Craig Tuminaro at ctuminaro@cafhq.org.
Dallas, TX,
More Info: https://commemorativeairforce.org/pages/cafconference2025