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Gulf Coast Wing Attains AC-47 Gunship

Conroe, Texas, May 20, 2024 – The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) Gulf Coast Wing has had a challenging year and a half after the loss of the B-17 Texas Raiders and her crew in November 2022. Despite these hardships, they're moving forward with exciting plans, looking toward the next phase of their journey.

After consulting with Wing members, who overwhelmingly supported the idea, they've decided to seek out a new, large aircraft for assignment. This decision aligns with their goal to involve more members in both flying and maintaining the aircraft, and it will help them to participate in more airshows and reach more fans.

They decided to tell the story of the AC-47, a version of the World War II C-47 that was modified into a gunship for combat missions in Vietnam. Their search led them to an exciting find – a C-47 already partially configured as an AC-47 located near Atlanta, Georgia. This aircraft not only fits their needs but also comes with a wealth of spare parts, which is a huge plus.

The CAF leadership and the American Airpower Heritage Flying Museum Board approved the purchase and endorsed moving forward with the necessary restorations to CAF standards. They began the restoration process and dived into some of the more enjoyable tasks, like choosing a name, designing nose art, and planning future airshow performances.

This addition is particularly special for the Wing as it allows us to connect with Vietnam veterans, whose stories are a vital part of the CAF mission and are still being told firsthand. The Gulf Coast Wing aims to honor these stories and integrate the Vietnam era more deeply into their activities. As they work on bringing this aircraft back to life, stay tuned on social media for updates, stories, and more about this remarkable journey and the heroes associated with it. Follow thier journey on Facebook and Instagram

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