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Guide 7 - Restoration Grant Progrom

Category: Guides

Published date: Apr 12, 2024

Table of Contents

A. Program Purpose 1 B. Selection Criteria 1 C. Committee Process 1 D. Applicant Process 1 E. Limitations 2 F. Grant Application Information 2 G. After the Grant is approved 4 H. Assistance 4

This guide was created to provide an internal matching grant program enabling CAF Units/ Sponsor groups to accelerate their efforts of returning their aircraft to flying condition. This guide should be used by all current Units and Unit Staff Officers.

COMMEMORATIVE AIR FORCE RESTORATION GRANT PROGRAM A. PROGRAM PURPOSE: To provide an internal matching grant program enabling CAF Units / Sponsor groups to accelerate their efforts of returning their aircraft to flying condition.

B. SELECTION CRITERIA: Selection criteria are subjective.

Factors may include:
-Aircraft significance to CAF mission -Impact upon Unit -Time to project completion -Strength/commitment of Unit


-The committee for decision will be the American Airpower Flying Museum Board -Decision will be delivered to President for execution -Applicants will be notified via email within one week of committee meeting -100% of the Restoration Grant Fund may be allocated


-Grant applications to be submitted at least 30 days prior to committee meeting. -Applicants may make a presentation at committee meeting. (15-minute presentation maximum) -Awardees must file quarterly progress reports to chairman 30 days in advance of committee meeting. -Reports must include: a. Progress toward timeline goal b. Variances c. Explanation of negative variances and solutions -Funds raised must be deposited in the CAF HQ aircraft account whereupon matching grant funds will be allocated. -Unit will put forth invoices for payment from aircraft account or may be paid directly by HQ upon receipt of invoices. E. LIMITATIONS: -Restoration grants are matching grants with a maximum of $50,000 per grant application. -Grant must be utilized within one calendar year from award. -Applicants may reapply for the same aircraft upon successful completion of previous grant. Subsequent applications will be viewed more favorably based upon performance of initial grant. Limit your requests accordingly. -Unit may apply for grants for more than one airplane. -Grants will be used for restoration of aircraft only. -Grants may be revoked at any time with cause. -Denied grant requests may be resubmitted at subsequent meetings. -Conditional approval may occur, contingent upon a visit from HQ staff or designee.

F. GRANT APPLICATION INFORMATION Please provide the following information (use as much space or as many attachments as necessary):

-Name of Unit/sponsor group.

-Narrative describing the project. Narrative should include: o Original condition of aircraft and reason for restoration (AD, damage, incident, etc.) o Date aircraft originally assigned to Unit and explanation of any gap between assignment date and active restoration start.

-Budget for entire restoration project. Budget should include: o A timeline with activities and estimated costs for each. The timeline should also indicate which items are complete. o Number of man-hours on project including total to date, estimate to completion, and average per quarter. o Timeline and money milestones, in increments of no less than $5,000.

-Amount being requested.

• Current financial information for Unit including checking and saving account balances and other funds on hand (i.e. CD).

• Number of sponsors on aircraft at each sponsorship level.

• Number of personnel in Unit and description of workforce.

• Other Unit aircraft and status.

• Fundraising plan for grant.

• What is the expected completion date?

• After completion of restoration: o How Unit is preparing for pilot training and check?

o How Unit is planning to maintain aircraft?

o How will aircraft be campaigned?

• Unit recruiting history.

• Unit retention history.

• Does Unit have a hangar for the aircraft? If not, where is aircraft currently stored for work?

• Will Unit have a hangar for the aircraft when restoration is complete? Describe lease or ownership.

• Is restoration planned with volunteer labor or contracted labor?


Please provide any other information you wish to submit for this application:

Unit Leader Signature Date

G. After the Grant is Approved

  1. I’ve received notification that my Unit has received the matching restoration grant. What do I do next?

    The Unit will need to forward the required donations and sponsorships to the CAF accounting department with the funds clearly denoted as part of the grant requirements. The accounting department will deposit the funds into the appropriate aircraft account and will also deposit the matching funds into the same aircraft account per the committee’s instructions.

  2. Our Unit has already received $10,000 within the last year that we have not expended on the restoration yet. Can we count that towards the amount we need to generate to receive the matching grant funds?

    Existing balances can be used (ex: an aircraft account has $8,000 in it, so if you receive a $20,000 match the Unit only needs to send in an additional $12,000). Funds over and above the minimum fund balance on other wing aircraft cannot be transferred to the wing aircraft that is getting the grant to satisfy the grant.

  3. How do I get our bills paid for the restoration?

    The Unit will send in a bill for either reimbursement or for direct payment to a vendor(s) from the aircraft account, exactly as it does now for any other bills. Unless specifically provided for by the Matching Grant Restoration Committee, these funds can not be withdrawn or considered as excess revenue, for ASAP or insurance billings, hangar rent, utility bills and similar items. The invoices will be routed through the Operations and Maintenance departments for approval and then processed for payment.

  4. I have a donor that will make a conditional donation if and only if the grant proposal is approved. How do I handle this?

    Conditional donations are not considered donations until the condition attached to the donation is met. Written acknowledgements of such donations are not issued until the conditions of the donation are met. If the conditional donation specifically references the matching grant program and the Unit’s application is granted funding, then the check may be forwarded to HQ accounting for deposit into the aircraft account.

  5. We overestimated the costs of the restoration and we have funds remaining in the aircraft account. Do any of the matching funds have to be returned to HQ for future distribution to future projects that might be approved?

    To the extent that the unused funds can be documented, HQ accounting will return those funds to the Matching Grant Restoration Fund from the aircraft account.

H. ASSISTANCE: Please contact the Chief Aviation Officer for help or if you have questions.


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