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Unit Manual Section 3 - Unit Operations

Category: Unit Manuals

Published date: Apr 12, 2024


The responsibility for safe, efficient, and productive Unit operation is vested in members of the Unit Staff. The Staff consists of nine (9) or more members (see Section 2), each with separate duties and a distinct area of responsibility.

Each Staff officer should be selected for his/her ability, through experience and training, to handle the job he/she is asked to do successfully. Unit Staff Officers should also have proven leadership ability.

The Unit Staff is responsible for developing and organizing maximum potential CAF support. “Maximum potential” refers to membership, aircraft sponsors, squadron members, aircraft support team members for flight operation, maintenance crew and ground support crew, and other talents needed to support Unit projects and the CAF in general.

As with any organization, either business or military, the efficiency and productivity of the CAF Unit depends upon the quality of its leadership. In the CAF, leadership quality depends on the staff member's ability and the amount of time they have to devote to the job.

Each Unit Staff should assess its prior accomplishments and its ability to develop the maximum potential as outlined in Section 2 of this manual. It should consider the objectives of the Unit as well as its duties and responsibilities. If it is determined that maximum potential is not being developed, it is the responsibility of that Unit Staff to take steps to improve its capacity.

A proven and effective method of increasing the Staff's capacity is to select a Deputy for each Staff Officer who needs assistance in meeting their responsibilities. Great care must be used in selecting a Deputy to be certain the person is well qualified (by background and experience) to handle the job assigned to them. "Two Deep" leadership positions can be a future asset.

Any Unit Staff Officer who, for any reason, is unable to fulfill his/her Staff responsibilities has the obligation to step down and be replaced. Before accepting any position on the Unit Staff, each person should be sure they have the ability, experience, and sufficient time to handle the job successfully.

Each Unit Staff officer will find that they have a counterpart at CAF Headquarters in each phase of Unit operation. To ensure proper development and standardization and to minimize operational errors, each Staff Officer should maintain close liaison with the proper Headquarters Administrative Staff member. To find your HQ staff counterpart, call HQ at (877) 767-7175 or (214) 330-1700 or refer to the Headquarters Staff listing on the CAF website.

Each Unit Staff Officer is responsible for being familiar with all current documents that affect Unit operations. The policies will be reviewed and revised as necessary. Unit Staff Officers will be updated on CAF Policies through Unit Manual updates and direct correspondence.

Key Phases of Unit Operation

A. Member Retention

Member retention is of equal or greater importance than recruitment of new members. Member retention should be given special consideration and effort by the Unit Staff in all Unit activity and maintained as a high priority in planning of Unit operation.

There are numerous methods and activities that will help retain members and reduce or minimize the dropout rate, including:

• Communication • Recognition • Participation • Friendship

The Unit Staff should consider each method and type of activity when planning Unit activities and the general conduct of Unit business.

  1. Communication It is important that each member be informed of what is happening. Members must be notified of all meetings, social activities, work parties, missions, and other Unit activities.

Members must be invited to participate and made to feel a part of the Unit. They must be informed of the CAF's progress and accomplishments, and they must feel that they are a part of a dynamic organization doing important things. Members should feel proud of the CAF and proud of their Unit.

Unit Newsletter: A very significant method of communication with the Unit member is through a well-written, thoughtful, and informative Unit Newsletter.

Many opportunities permit communication with members by phone, letter, email, or other personal contact.

  1. Participation The busy member is a happy member. One of the most common reasons given by members for failure to renew CAF membership is, "There was no way I could participate." The opportunities for members to participate are pointed out and discussed throughout this manual.

It is the duty of the Unit Staff or the Project Officer to assign members jobs they are qualified to handle and then encourage, motivate, and inspire them to do the job and do it well. Unit leadership must constantly appraise and develop the Unit's ability to motivate its members and build a workable team.

A clearly defined goal, or end result, is necessary for any individual or group to be most productive. The Unit Staff or the project manager should assign clear duties to each member and establish a written goal and a schedule for project completion.

There are many assignments and duties that will provide active participation for the member:

• Educational activities • Fundraising events • Aircraft Support Teams • Flight Crews • Maintenance Crews • Ground Support Teams • Media and communications, including the Unit Website

Ground Support Teams need people with various talents and skills, but some duties require no special skills or talents, only intelligence and enthusiasm. For additional details on Aircraft Support Team development and requirements, see Unit Manual Sections 2 and 5.

Other sections of this manual which outline numerous methods of member participation are:

Aircraft Maintenance See Section 5 Aircraft Assignment and Restoration See Section 5 Squadrons and Detachments See Section 7 Education See Section 8
Fundraising See Section 9

  1. Friendship It is the Unit Staff’s responsibility to see that a spirit of camaraderie and teamwork exists throughout the Unit and at all meetings and social functions. All members should feel that they are among friends.

Factions, cliques, and private groups with self-serving motives must not be allowed to develop. Gossip, rumor, discrimination, and negative attitudes must not be permitted. These destructive elements must be countered by positive attitudes, teamwork, and pride of accomplishment, which can be fostered and maintained primarily by competent Unit leadership.

For details, please see the CAF Code of Conduct in Section 2 of the Unit Manual.

B. Recruiting

Another primary objective of the Unit is to develop the maximum potential membership from the Unit’s designated area. There are two fundamental reasons for a sustained Unit effort to increase CAF membership:

  1. Talent and Manpower Recruiting supports the development of a large pool of volunteers to support the Unit’s projects.

Unit recruiting efforts should be directed to enlist the maximum number of people from the Unit's designated area who possess knowledge, skills, and experience that are required in all phases of CAF Headquarters and Unit operation. This includes people qualified to serve on Aircraft Support Teams, as members of the Flight Crew, Maintenance Crew, and Ground Support Teams, and people qualified for service with technical Detachments. In all cases, the quality of the individual, skills, talent, and patriotic dedication should be the primary screening criteria.

For these reasons, recruiting must be a sustained effort by the Unit. This will serve to maintain a stable base and assure continued accomplishment.

  1. Assistance from Headquarters and Other CAF Units Please do not hesitate to contact the CAF Vice President of Membership or the Vice President of Marketing for assistance and ideas. We can connect you with the Units that are successful in their recruiting efforts so you can learn from their efforts and success. Headquarters can be reached at (214) 330-1700.

C. Awards

Volunteers are the CAF's most valuable assets and are responsible for every success attained by the organization.

We must never lose sight of recognizing the volunteer’s accomplishments as the key to motivation and retention. A person should be recognized according to the magnitude of their accomplishment, from a simple job well done to an achievement that required an extraordinary amount of time, effort, skill, dedication, courage, leadership, sacrifice, or other type of personal achievement.

Recognition methods range from a letter of congratulations to the CAF Distinguished Service Award. Each Unit should have an Awards Committee composed of three or more members of the Unit Staff to ensure that all deserving members receive suitable recognition. The Unit should issue approved awards at Unit functions held for that purpose at least once each year.

If in the opinion of the Unit’s Awards Committee, a Unit member has earned National recognition from all CAF members, they may recommend that member to CAF Headquarters for the honor or award they feel most appropriate to be presented at the annual Awards events.

  1. Unit Awards - (Presented at the local Unit level) The following awards or methods of recognition may be issued at the Unit level without Headquarters authorization. Any Unit member may recommend an award to the Unit Leader or the Chairman of the Unit’s Awards Committee. The Unit’s local Committee should consider the recommendation for approval or rejection.

Approved Unit recognition methods and Awards are as follows:

a. Letters of thanks and/or congratulations signed by the Unit Leader.

b. Letters of Commendation signed by the Unit Leader on behalf of the entire Unit Staff.

c. Unit Commendation Award: an engraved plaque with a citation outlining the accomplishment.

e. Unit Distinguished Service Award: the highest award that may be issued at Unit level. This is an engraved plaque accompanied by a citation outlining the achievement, issued by the Unit Leader on behalf of the Unit Staff.

f. Mission Award: This award is a method for Units to recognize all missions for the Unit performed by individuals and groups. This award will encompass all types of service (i.e., PX missions, recruiting booths, speaker presentations on behalf of the Unit to local civic groups, and flying missions).

Flying missions are defined as flights to/from airshows and static displays, memorial flyovers (parades, funerals, and dedications), and contract flights (commercials, films, or support of the military, e.g., Naval Test Center). Unit Staff may determine the design of the patch, pin, or other uniform device that will be used to recognize service to their Unit. Unit Staff and Operations Officers will verify flying missions completed.

In addition to CAF members, all the items of recognition outlined above may be issued to members of the community who are not CAF members but whose contribution to the CAF justifies such recognition or award. Take photos of the Unit award winners, recognize them in your Unit’s newsletter, and post those photos on the wall of the hangar or meeting room. Be proud of your dedicated volunteers and make an extra effort to recognize and thank them publicly.

  1. CAF National Awards The following awards may be approved and issued by CAF Headquarters. They may not be issued at the Unit level and are not intended to replace the Unit-level awards. See CAFR 900-1, Awards and Decorations, for more detailed information, sample citations, and time requirements for submission to Headquarters.

a. Individual Awards National Award nominations for individuals are due by July 15th each year. Please get in touch with the Vice President of Membership.

b. National Awards for Units These awards are presented during the CAF Conference each year to CAF Units that achieve national recognition for service in the preceding year(s). Unit Award nominations must be submitted to CAF Headquarters no later than December 15th each year. Please contact the Vice President of Membership for assistance.

D. Unit Finance

The Unit Finance Guide provides detailed information on unit finance procedures. These procedures are official policy for all CAF Units, individual aircraft sponsor groups, and individual sponsors. Please refer also to the Delinquency Policy in Section 2 of this manual.

SPECIAL NOTE: Nothing can disrupt the Unit's success more than an unknown or uneasy financial status. Unit Finance reports must be given openly in Unit meetings so all members can know and understand the Unit’s financial status.

  1. Operating and Fiscal Term

a. For purposes of planning Unit Events, Elections, etc., Units will operate on a calendar year basis, from January 1 through December 31 of each year.

b. To comply with CAF financial reporting and Audit requirements, as well as Constitution & Bylaw provisions, the Unit Fiscal Year will be from January 1 through December 31.

  1. Fundraising Projects All CAF-sponsored airshows (flying or static), all fundraising projects with a budget of $10,000 or more (expense), or any other event where alcohol is sold or served must be approved by the CAF Headquarters Operations Department. Any Unit member interested in implementing a project of this kind must submit a detailed proposal to the Unit Staff. If approved at the Unit level, the proposal will be forwarded to the Headquarters Chief Relationship Officer for approval.

See CAFR 55-7 for details regarding airshow and event approvals.

  1. Professional Fundraiser If the Unit chooses to use the services of professional fundraisers, the CAF Chief Relationship Officer must approve them. Fundraisers must be licensed in the state where the funds are being solicited. Some states require charitable contribution and solicitation permits approval before the project starts. Always ask the Attorney General's Office within the state for information regarding compliance with the law, and always ask the fundraiser for references. Any such agreement should follow the Code of Ethics outlined by the Association of Fundraising Professionals:

  2. Representing the CAF CAF members are not permitted to represent themselves as authorized agents or representatives of the national organization. CAF members may not act as spokespersons, set organizational policies or positions, or negotiate agreements or contracts through written or electronic means (e.g., computer, Internet) without prior coordination and approval of CAF Headquarters.

  3. Donations The Unit staff must consider the suitability of any non-cash donation offered to the Unit. If there is any question about the correctness of accepting the donation, the Unit should request help from the CAF Headquarters staff. At the Unit level, the Finance Officer will oversee all donations made or proposed to the Unit and is responsible for reporting the donations as prescribed in the Unit Finance Guide.


  1. Use and Distribution of Consumer Info The CAF, and each Unit, has access or may have access to private and sensitive consumer information from donors, supporters, members, and riders (referred to as consumers in this section). The CAF’s policy is that Units may not sell, rent, release, disclose, disseminate, transfer, or otherwise communicate consumer information to any entity outside of the CAF. Consumer information should only be distributed within the confines of the CAF for CAF business purposes. Any exceptions must be approved in writing by the CAF President or CFO.

  2. Privacy Policy The CAF’s privacy policy is available at Each Unit should regularly review the policy and ensure Unit compliance with this policy.

  3. Data Collection CAF Units collect consumer information in numerous ways, including in person, via websites, email, and mail. This includes information about aircraft rides and riders, donations, events, memberships, etc. See Unit Websites below for requirements related to online data collection. All Forms must include the statement listed in the FORMS section below when collecting consumer information. Additionally, if the collection is in person, a paper copy of the current CAF’s Privacy Policy must be available for review upon request by the consumer.

  4. Forms All CAF Forms (as defined in the CAF Privacy Policy) must include a statement as follows:

By submitting this Form, you agree to accept the terms of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) Privacy Policy. A copy of the Policy can be found at, and a paper copy can be obtained upon request.

  1. Care, Custody, and Control of Consumer Information Each Unit is required to use, control, and protect consumer data carefully. Recognizing each Unit may have different needs and processes, the following is not an exhaustive list. Instead, it should be used as a reference of items to ensure the Unit is exercising sufficient care, custody, and control to protect consumer data carefully.

• Do not publish Unit rosters or contact information on Unit websites or social media sites without the individual's express approval.
• Unit rosters can only be shared within the confines of the Unit and should only be distributed to CAF Unit members for official business of the Unit. Care must be exercised to ensure non-members do not have access to such rosters. o Any misuse of roster data, particularly for purposes of personal or professional use or gain outside of the CAF, is a violation of the CAF Code of Conduct and may be grounds for expulsion from a Unit/termination of membership from the CAF. • Only online payment processing applications approved by the Finance Department may be used. Any credit card information used to process transactions should be destroyed or redacted immediately upon completion of the transaction. (e.g., process credit card information. Any credit card information used to process transactions should be destroyed or redacted immediately upon completion of the transaction; no sensitive and identifying credit info should be retained on a paper copy.)

  1. Unit Websites See the CAF Standards Guide for requirements related to websites.

  2. Security Breach If at any time a member suspects that there has been a breach in data security, that person must notify the CAF Headquarters Development office and the Unit Leader immediately.

F. Public Relations

Public relations is everyone’s job. A good CAF image is necessary to attain public support of Unit activities and CAF objectives and is essential to CAF success. When appearing in public, particularly in uniform, each member is a CAF ambassador and must conduct themselves accordingly.

Personal appearance, friendliness, and knowledge of CAF objectives will help convey the proper image and are the most basic form of good public relations. Each member is responsible for conveying the proper CAF image to the public.

  1. Unit Public Information Officer (PIO) The primary responsibility of the Unit PIO is to direct the Unit in all phases of public relations. This responsibility begins with supervising Unit members in maintaining the CAF Standards outlined in the CAF Standards Guide.

  2. Press Releases The Unit PIO will prepare press releases on any CAF Unit subject, activity, or accomplishment that would be of interest to the general public. This includes activities or accomplishments at the Unit level or involving a Unit member. In case of an aircraft accident or incident, DO NOT issue any press releases or make any public statements, including social media, prior to contacting the Vice President of Marketing or Chief Aviation Officer at Headquarters.

Press releases should serve not only to inform the public but also to encourage the public to participate in CAF activities as members, sponsors, or supporters. A standard form for press releases is available by contacting the Headquarters Vice President of Marketing. Press releases must be prepared in a form and style established as a standard by all news media. Material submitted which is not in proper form will almost always be discarded. Additional information regarding writing style, terms, and standards can be found in the CAF Standards Guide. The guide is available in the “Guides” section of the CAF Website.

  1. Civic Clubs Appearances at civic clubs are a good method of building and maintaining positive CAF public relations within the community. Each community within the Unit’s designated area should be covered on a continuing basis by qualified speakers from the Unit.

a. Speakers The Unit PIO has the duty to select the best-qualified members available to serve as speakers. Speakers should be selected for their ability to speak, knowledge of the subject, and enthusiasm.

b. Video and Slide Presentations The CAF Headquarters offers videos on the CAF or related subjects. Slide presentations on Unit activities or projects that will particularly interest local people may be prepared relatively easily. These should be designed to encourage Unit membership and participation. Presentations given to the public should also comply with the CAF Standards Guide.

  1. The Dispatch (CAF’s Magazine) and CAF Headquarters Website

The Unit PIO is responsible for supplying material, in written text and photographs, of Unit activity to CAF Headquarters for publication in The Dispatch, On the Fly, or on the CAF’s website. This includes periodic progress reports on all Unit projects, Unit flying events, and Unit participation in activities at other Unit locations or CAF Headquarters.

Unit support of The Dispatch, On the Fly, and the CAF website is important for several reasons:

a. Stories and oral histories of Unit members and activities serve to recognize volunteers for the work they are doing. It compliments these members and incentivizes them to continue their work with the knowledge that it is appreciated.

b. Unit accomplishments presented in The Dispatch, On the Fly, and on the Website attain the same results for the individual member, resulting in a stronger sense of Unit esprit de corps and a feeling of pride within the Unit.

c. Unit stories in The Dispatch, On the Fly, and on the Website serve as an inspiration for other Units. It fosters a spirit of friendly competition for the attainment of excellence.

d. Stories of Unit activities and accomplishments show the general public, civilians and military alike, the spirit that makes the CAF successful. They also show what can be accomplished by members working voluntarily on a project in which they believe.

The Dispatch, On-The-Fly, and CAF’s Website are the most important tools in assuring the CAF's continued success. The Units must fully support them.

For specific format and deadlines, please get in touch with the CAF’s Vice President of Marketing.

  1. Unit Newsletter The Unit PIO is often responsible for the Unit’s Newsletter. The PIO gathers news that will be of interest to the Unit members. Unit Newsletters should be well-written and encourage members and donors to participate. PIOs or Newsletter editors are responsible for all portions of the newsletter, including proofreading and editing articles written by other contributors. This does not include changing the message of the article; it does include proofreading for grammar and spelling errors and ensuring that the tone is positive and appropriate.

The newsletter should focus on people's accomplishments to compliment and recognize those who do the work. The Unit newsletter's production or supervision is the responsibility of the Unit PIO. However, the Unit Leader is also responsible for ensuring the quality and accuracy of any information published about the Unit.

a. Unit Newsletter/Publication Each Unit of the CAF should publish a periodic newsletter (preferably monthly).

Unit Newsletters will comply with CAF standards for content, quality, legal compliance, and copyright adherence. All newsletters should include the correct CAF logo on the cover with the CAF website listed ( The CAF logo should be visibly larger than the Unit logo. Units should include their address, phone number, email address, contact name, and meeting time and place.

The newsletter should be sent to each Unit member, the PIOs of other Units, the CAF Chief of Staff, General Staff members, the Vice President of Marketing, and the Vice President of Membership.

b. Purpose The Unit Newsletter should convey Unit and CAF news and Unit-relevant information to members and other recipients.

c. Content Suggested newsletter content might include:

• Unit meeting news and plans • Unit work party news and plans • Member biographies • Operations status • Special projects • News from Headquarters • Airshow participation • Pending events • Restoration status • Maintenance status • Thank-yous • Special activities in other Units • Other event participation • Introduction of new members

d. Subjects to be avoided in newsletters are:

• Politics • Race/ethnicity • Profanity/vulgarity • Double talk • Humor that isn't absolutely relevant and absolutely funny • Religion • Appearance • Criticisms/judgmental statements • Sex (not even by inference or innuendo) • Sexual orientation, gender identity • Slang, jargon, technical, and other phrases that may not be understood by all

e. Remember: Praise in public, criticize in private.

  1. Writers The Unit PIO is responsible for locating and recruiting the best-qualified writers within the Unit area. These writers will record the Unit's activities and supply material to the Unit Newsletter Editor and CAF Headquarters for The Dispatch, On the Fly, and the CAF’s website. Please be sure to obtain permission and credit appropriately prior to publishing a writer’s work.

  2. Photographers The Unit PIO is responsible for locating and recruiting the best-qualified photographers to document the Unit’s activities and accomplishments. They will organize a Unit "Photo Team," which will be capable of visually recording all Unit activities locally and when participating in CAF activities anywhere in the country. Creating a visually documented history is an important tool for marketing the CAF to others. In addition, creating an archive of photos will allow the CAF to better preserve our history for future members. When publishing, you must obtain permission to use photos and list the photographer’s credit information appropriately. Unit photographers will supply total photo coverage of projects and activities to Headquarters for the purposes outlined above.

  3. Advertising The Unit PIO is most often responsible for advertising purchases and, in some cases, advertisement design/creation. Unit advertisements are often used to promote Unit events and facilities. All artwork must follow the CAF Standards Guide, which is available online in the members-only section or by contacting Headquarters. Unit PIOs must receive approval from necessary Unit Officers before spending Unit funds on advertisements in any media.

  4. Multimedia Rights, Permissions/Clearance Unit Websites The Unit PIO may also be responsible for the Unit Website and electronic communications.

Overview: The CAF must be able to release, publish, furnish, allow, and disseminate static and moving pictures of the assets and aircraft to the media, the marketplace, and/or other sources to promote the organization and expand awareness and visibility in the marketplace to achieve predetermined and future goals. Restricting the movement of these assets would be counterproductive.

However, historically, the CAF has not had a clear and concise policy concerning proper SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) regarding the dissemination of such media. Dissemination has occurred, on numerous occasions, from the Unit level as well as the corporate level, resulting in confusion, loss of proprietary rights, improper accounting, improper contracts, and significant loss of revenue.

Multimedia Rights:

a. Units will not sign any contracts or agreements relating to multimedia rights and clearances. Headquarters must approve any/all contracts/agreements when media access results in disseminating photographs or film/video of copyrighted or trademarked images (see examples below) AND creates a revenue stream for the disseminating agent.

b. Clarification: The above does not apply to any event that does not result in the publication and transmission of the protected images or where no revenue stream is created or anticipated. No clearance is necessary when an individual or family comes to an airshow and takes video or photographs for personal enjoyment.

However, each Unit should have the following notice posted:

“The Commemorative Air Force's airplanes and ground vehicles and accompanying copyrights, trademarks, and logos are the property of the Commemorative Air Force. The pilots’ and drivers’ images and names are the property of the pilots and drivers. No commercial use of the CAF airplanes, pilots, vehicles, or drivers’ names and images may be made without the written permission of the respective owners.”

Standard image usage agreements are available by contacting the Vice President of Marketing at CAF Headquarters at

  1. Electronic Communications (i.e., Internet Sites, Unit Webpages) CAF members are not permitted to create forums on behalf of CAF’s International Headquarters; this includes, but is not limited to, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flicker, Linked In, Snapchat, and Pinterest. Any created pages/accounts must be limited to your Unit’s information and follow the same rules and guidelines detailed for Unit Publications and Unit Websites listed in the CAF’s Standards Guide. When participating in a public forum, use caution to ensure you are giving accurate and positive information.

Official Unit Webpages will comply with CAF standards for content, quality, legal compliance, and copyright adherence. Guidelines should adhere to the same standards as other CAF publications. See the Newsletter guidelines and details in the CAF Standards Guide.

The Unit’s Leader is responsible for the content of the Unit’s Website. Please review the information being developed for your site before it is put online. Often, volunteers or outside companies who design websites do not have the experience/knowledge of CAF rules and policies necessary to ensure accurate information is published regarding specific CAF programs.

To start the website review process, Units must:

a. Contact Headquarters: Unit Leaders/Unit Staff members should contact the Vice President of Marketing to request information regarding approval for Unit webpages, as there may be legal and technical issues that must be addressed and approved.

b. Identify the Unit’s Webmaster: The Unit’s Webmaster must be identified by written notice to the Vice President of Marketing. Provide the Webmaster’s name, address, email address, and membership number. Webmasters should also be included in the Unit’s staff officer updates provided by the Adjutant at the beginning of each year. Webmasters must be approved by a vote of the Unit staff.

c. Report changes: Whenever the Unit Webmaster changes, Units must advise the Vice President of Marketing or Headquarters of the new Webmaster’s name, telephone number, and email address. Disputes over who oversees the Unit’s website must be resolved at the Unit level. Unit websites must be monitored and updated regularly. If there is no willing webmaster, the website should be removed until the site can be updated and monitored regularly.

d. Provide domain name registration information: If domain names are purchased for the site, they must be purchased on behalf of the Unit and registered in the Unit’s name. Point of contact information must be provided before Headquarters staff reviews the site, including the technical and administrative contact information. Headquarters must also be provided with the Webmaster/administrator’s login information for the website prior to review. This will allow Headquarters to keep the information on file in case of loss or change in Unit leadership. Units should have one domain name and website for their presence.

e. Initial review of the site will be done by Headquarters staff. The initial review will be followed by a detailed review. The initial review will be completed following a checklist developed by Headquarters. Copies of these review items will be provided to the Webmasters/Units upon request. Please note that after the initial review and linking to the CAF’s homepage, links may be removed without notice should a legal issue arise that warrants immediate termination of the link. Headquarters must approve all links to the CAF’s homepage.

f. Basic details/information that must be included on the Website:

1) Description of what the Unit is: Who are we? Where are we? When do we meet? How does someone contact us?

2) A short description of the National organization and an invitation to join.

3) The site must clearly identify the Unit as a part of the Commemorative Air Force. The full name must appear prominently on the main entry page. The CAF logo must appear on the home page and be visibly larger than the Unit logo.

4) Basic contact information, including address, phone numbers, email, etc.

5) Copyright notice at the bottom of each page.

6) A link to the CAF homepage ( for information and membership applications.

7) An events calendar for the Unit. The Unit is responsible for ensuring that its calendar information is current.

g. Some basic rules:

1) Publication Guidelines: Refer to the Standard’s Guide for the dos and don’ts. The same guidelines apply to websites as other publications, and the same care should be given regarding statements made, photographs used, images presented, etc.

2) Sharing content and banner ads: While relying on free hosting resources or sharing a site with another organization or unrelated project may be cheaper, this is not appropriate for hosting your Unit websites. Such combined resources (such as a CAF Unit website and an individual’s classic car restoration project) do not provide benefit to the CAF, and it implies tacit support and validation of the unrelated project. If the Unit cannot control what is being presented in conjunction with the site, it should be avoided.

3) Credits and acknowledgments: It is perfectly acceptable to provide a “credits” and “thank you” page for those who provide services to the Unit, including the donation of web hosting services.

4) Publication of private information: Do not publish private information, such as membership rosters, Colonel ID numbers, phone numbers, etc.

5) Duplication of video or news articles: Whether it’s a digitized copy, the text of a news article, or a copy of a video segment or news story, do not publish these on your Unit website as they are copyrighted. You must obtain the writer's and organization's written approval to duplicate it on your site. You can also provide a link to the original document.

6) Website management: The staff must cooperate and control the website. However, the webmaster must make some Decisions. Access to the website should be limited to the Webmaster, CAF Headquarters, and any individuals that the Webmaster approves for access. Contributions to the site from other Unit members and staff officers do not require direct access to the website. The Webmaster can provide the “tools” to allow outsiders to contribute to the site’s content.

7) Ownership: Anything developed on CAF-sponsored equipment or given to the Unit freely becomes the copyright of the CAF. Items not copyrighted by the CAF must have the appropriate notation, and prior written permission must be obtained before these items are used on the website. The Unit has the right to retain the use (but not to claim as their own) of these materials in perpetuity. It is very important that permission to use photos, etc., be obtained in advance and that the owners/originators know that once they are made part of the site, they become CAF-copyrighted property for that agreed-upon use.

8) A word of caution: While the Unit may rely heavily on the Webmaster to develop and manage the site, it should be understood that the Webmaster is volunteering their assistance and may not use the site to promote their own business. The Unit Staff has the right to change Webmasters if the staff determines that a vote of the Unit staff does the appointments a vote of the Unit staff, changes should also be voted on by the staff.

9) Please do not hesitate to contact Headquarters staff for assistance. We will be happy to assist your new Webmaster. We can provide references to some of our existing websites that are excellent examples of what should be done on a Unit’s website.

G. Social Media Policy

This policy applies to all Commemorative Air Force employees and volunteers managing social media accounts for a CAF Unit.

  1. Each Unit can have one social media account/profile per platform. Multiple accounts must be approved by the Vice President of Marketing.

  2. The Facebook account must be set up as a Page. You may not set up the account as a group, cause, or personal account.

  3. Social media profiles will contain visible elements that identify them as official CAF Unit profiles. These include a name that clearly identifies the Unit, a display of Unit logos, contact information, and a link to the Unit website.

  4. There must be a minimum of three Unit staff members as administrators, and one must be the Unit Leader.

  5. Unit accounts must be set up with a generic Unit email address.

  6. All usernames and passwords must be sent to the Vice President of Marketing.

  7. All Commemorative Air Force Inc. social media profiles and pages, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, are controlled by the Vice President of Marketing. No member may create a page on behalf of the Commemorative Air Force, Inc.

  8. CAF Units and members are not permitted to create social media accounts utilizing the full or partial name of Jethro Culpeper or Confederate Air Force.

  9. Posts or statements surrounding accidents or incidents must be handled carefully. Stating names, medical status’, reasons why an accident/incident occurred can have serious consequences. No member or employee is authorized to make a public statement regarding an accident or incident. The only authorized persons are the CAF CEO and the Vice President of Marketing.

  10. If a member notices a suspicious, offensive, or damaging post about the CAF or if a member feels they are being bullied online by other CAF members, please notify Headquarters.

H. Social Functions

In addition to simple recreation and relaxation, social functions provide the opportunity for entire families to become involved with the CAF. People become better acquainted, which leads to greater camaraderie, teamwork, and pride.

With rare exceptions, all social functions should be open to non-member guests. The social event provides the same opportunity as the Unit meeting to meet the public, inspire, motivate, and recognize Unit members, and recruit new members and Sponsors.

In planning Unit social activities, consider the following guidelines:

• the activity should be in good taste • it should be suitable for family participation • it should appeal to as wide a range of members and their guests as possible • it should enhance the image of the Commemorative Air Force and the Unit through a good balance of dignity, social propriety, enjoyment, and recreation

A social event can be high-spirited, light-hearted, convey enthusiasm, and still retain the elements listed above.

I. Insurance Issues

  1. TRARON Event Participation Requirements for non-CAF aircraft to participate in a CAF TRARON event:

a. The CAF must be named as an “additional insured” on the aircraft owner’s insurance, with coverage of $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage, subject to a sub-limit of $100,000 per passenger.

b. A waiver of subrogation must be provided in favor of the CAF.

  1. Visiting Aircraft and Insurance Occasionally, privately owned aircraft will need to be temporarily stored in a CAF-operated facility (hangar) or tied down at a CAF facility (ramp).

a. When we have non-owned aircraft in our care, custody, and control, which means in our hangars or on our ramps, regardless of if borrowed or temporary, we have a liability exposure. If the non-owned aircraft owner is a tenant, transient, visitor, or parks on our ramp without an invitation, we still have a liability exposure. As a reminder, non-owned aircraft includes member aircraft and any visiting aircraft not owned by the CAF.

Note: Leased aircraft are considered CAF aircraft and are handled in accordance with their individual Lease agreements.

b. In the past there have been aircraft damaged by weather, towing/tugging errors, hangar door operation, and hangar rash that is discovered after the fact. To control these problems and limit our liability, it is necessary for every non-owned CAF aircraft operator to sign an Indemnity/Hold Harmless agreement any time their non-owned aircraft is or could be under our "care, custody, and control.”

c. All operators of non-owned aircraft in CAF hangars and on CAF ramps will complete the Indemnity Form upon arrival. This Indemnity Form alone is adequate for short-term visits to CAF Hangars or ramps of less than 10 days.

d. For aircraft arriving with prior coordination for visits in our hangars or on our ramps for more than 10 days, the operator must provide a certificate of insurance with the following minimum acceptable limits and meets the requirements below.

Minimum acceptable limits will be:

• Bodily Injury liability and property damage liability $1,000,000 per occurrence • Passenger Liability $100,000 per occurrence

Required documentation:

1) Signed Indemnity form

2) Certificate of Insurance that must:

a) Reference the CAF Indemnity Form

b) Name the CAF as additional insured

c) Meet the minimum acceptable limits stated above in Paragraph d.

d) Provide a waiver of subrogation in favor of the CAF

e) Contain a 30 day notice of modification and cancellation clause

f) For CAF member owned aircraft that may visit numerous CAF Units each year, the Operators may keep a copy of the signed Indemnity Form and Insurance Certificate on board their aircraft that can be copied by the Unit being visited and filed each year by that Unit.

g) The Indemnity forms are available on the CAF’s Website or by contacting Headquarters.

  1. Aircraft Using CAF Hangars on a Long Term Basis (More than 90 days) CAF Units that have non-CAF aircraft occupying hangar or ramp space must follow these guidelines.

Owners Must:

a. Be a CAF member

b. Sign an Indemnity Form

c. Pay for the hangar space. If the stay is longer than 90 days, Unit Staff may request a waiver for rent for Warbirds that enhance the Unit’s aircraft display.

d. Provide an Insurance Certificate naming the CAF as additional insured meeting these minimum acceptable limits:

• Bodily Injury liability and property damage liability $1,000,000 per occurrence • Passenger Liability $100,000 per occurrence

e. Owner/Operator’s Certificate of Insurance must:

1) Reference the CAF Indemnity Form

2) Name the CAF as Additional Insured

3) Meet the minimum acceptable limits stated above in Para. 3. d.

4) Provide a waiver of subrogation in favor of the CAF

5) Contain a 30 day notice of modification and cancellation clause.

Units must keep the documents on file (Indemnity form and Insurance Certificate) at the Unit and conduct annual reviews to obtain a new insurance certificate before the existing one expires. Units should also check the certificates to ensure that the certificates include all that is required.

Note: Leased aircraft are considered CAF aircraft and are managed in accordance with their individual Lease Agreement.

  1. Vehicle Operations All drivers of CAF-owned or leased equipment/vehicles, cars, trucks, tugs, golf carts, forklifts, etc., must:

a. Be a CAF member

b. Be at least 16 years old

c. Have a valid driver’s license

d. For tugs and other equipment drivers, must be trained and certified by the Unit.

(((See PDF for Documents Attached))) *** End of Section 3 Text***

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